Destination Campbellville Community Association

2019 Annual General Meeting

Everyone is welcome!

The Annual Meeting of Members for the Destination Campbellville Community Association will be held at the Nassagaweya Community Centre/Brookville Hall (2005 Cameron Drive)  on Tuesday May 21st, 2024 at 7:00 pm.

Everyone is welcome! Please come and hear about our highlights for last year, exciting plans for 2024 and help us celebrate our amazing volunteers and award winners.

This also is the time when we elect a new Board of Directors, if required. Please see the notice below from Colin Best, Chair of the Nominating Committee, for information if you’d like to consider running for the Board or know someone you’d like to nominate. Any questions can be forwarded to Colin or any current member of the Board.

DCCA Annual  Meeting and Election of Board of Directors

As the designated Chair of the Nominating Committee, I, Colin Best, invite you to participate in the upcoming Annual Meeting (of the DCCA, to be held  at 7:00 pm Tuesday May 21st at the Nassagaweya Community Centre /Brookville Hall (2005 Cameron Drive) in Campbellville.

The Annual Meeting will include elections for the Board of Directors for the 2024-2025 DCCA business year. Destination Campbellville Community Association is a 100% volunteer, not-for-profit organization. The Board of Directors needs people who have a range of skills and time to help make this community the best place to live!

Any member of the DCCA in good standing is entitled to nominate his/her choice in writing for a Director’s position on the Board. Each nomination will also require a seconder in writing by a member in good standing. If you plan to nominate a candidate, please ensure that he/she is willing to stand for that position before submitting your nomination. Nominations can be emailed to me at the address below.

I am happy to receive indications of interest confidentially and answer any questions prior to the nomination closing date. Please call (905-878-3623) or e-mail me (

Nominations will close 48 hours prior to the Annual Meeting. No nominations will be accepted beyond that time.

If there are between six and nine individuals nominated through this process, they will be acclaimed by motion. If more than nine are nominated, a vote will be taken during the Annual Meeting. Only members in good standing will be permitted to vote. In this instance, as Chair I will select some members to tally the votes and I will announce the names of the people selected.

The General Meeting also will be an opportunity to hear about DCCA’s plans for the coming year, and to join one or more of the DCCA Committees. There are no nominations required for appointment to a committee. Your ideas and energy are absolutely encouraged and appreciated!

Respectfully Submitted,

Colin Best, Chair, Nominating Committee